Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Time To Wrap This Thing (23) Up

Where do I go from here???...Well I guess in order to answer that question, I had better go back to the beginning of my journey and re-live the moments and the highlights. I'm thinking.....ummm nice.............yeah that was great too......(still thinking)............hahahahahahhhaha.....yeah those online generated images were the best........(reminiscing).........You Tube, everyone needs to visit that site, it was awesome........(smiling)....oh yeah...Library Thing...that was cool too..........OK.

I guess the reflection period was a little longer than I expected it to be.

To summarize this experience would take I will keep my flap on a tight leash. Being honest with the whole experience, I must say that I enjoyed learning about the many things there is to do on the Internet...meaningful things that is...but I would be foolish to not say that it was the hands on entertaining things that grabbed my attention the easiest and the fastest. The idea of being creative on the Internet never crossed my mind...I always felt that I had to go out and purchase some overly priced bit of software that would do many of the things that I enjoyed doing during the Maryland 23 Things stint. You had better believe that I will be using the "feeds" and "tagging" in all of my many adventures on the web, making my mark on all the things I like to do and see and share.

I said I was going to copy someone else's summary because I didn't think that I could summarize my experience in a manner that would interest the masses. What I have found in that is, the only person that my life long learning experiences are important to is with that said...This is GitaKLU signing off for now...but stay tuned, because I plan to take these 23 Things with me in my back pocket. Thanks for reading.

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Week 9: # 22 - Overdrive & Net Library

I checked out Overdrive...I think it's really neat that you can just download a book instead of going to a branch or to a book store to get your "read on". This book from Joel Osteen was one that was hard to catch in the library...not sure if my timing just stank or what...but because of the Overdrive site..I can download and keep on reading. I searched for other titles but I was unsuccessful in finding the ones I really wanted. Quick question???...Is there a way to make suggestions on which books they make available on the Overdrive site??... Just asking. :o)

Week 9: # 21 - Locating Podcasts

Podcasting. Now there is an interesting term. I think I first heard the word podcasting about a year ago when I first began to take interest in the Apple iPod. I never actually got an ipod, so thus, my desire to know more about the podcasting element quickly came to naught. This weekend I looked into the different ways to locate podcasts of my interest; those interest including many things outside of library things...but nonetheless...they still involved reading and learning which is a plus. I guess the site that I traveled the most during my "podcastic" journey was through the Yahoo site. I basically typed in a word of interest and flying up came all of these episodes of "podulistic" delicacies....Wow, that was a stretch. So as with all of my findings so far with the MD 23 Things activity, I will be pursuing more information and plenty of "at-home" practice with uploading my own podcasts...because I have plenty to say. Nuff said.

Bloglines... - Week 4: #8