Friday, June 22, 2007

I Have Been Tagged....Dag, now what????

Ok, I'll try to do this....

1. I own my own publishing company and it is entitled...Gitaklu Productions.

2. I've produced a religious cable television show on Baltimore City Public Access TV Channel 75 called "Qol Elohim - The Voice of God" for almost a year now.

3. My favorite line dance is called the Addison Strut and it is done to "Interested" by India Arie.

4. I would prefer to eat "dessert only" in a restaurant instead of ordering dinner...I know, not cool.

5. I co-designed the new Community Information Directory's general information flier.

6. I personally know Randy Dennis of Smooth Jazz WSMJ - 104.3. and I line dance with him every week.

7. I don't have a favorite color, I love them all..color is a symbol of "a good life" to I try to wear as many as possible.

and finally.......

8. I file better than I joke. :o)

I guess from here I have to tag I tag:

One Twin of Two

My Online Generated Image - Week 5: #10

This is my rendition of Hip Hop at it's finest. Check me out as I rock the latest clothes straight from the New York Shopping outlets...hahaha. This was one of the best experiences I've had so far. It was a moment for me to be creative. Don't Be's all in fun. It's Over & I'm Out!!!

The World Renouned

I got my name in lights with

This was fun too. I just created my production Company's name in lights. It kinda motivates me into making it a reality....yeah, it could work. Over & Out!!!!

Bloglines... - Week 4: #8