Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Custom Banners for Your Blog - Week 3: #7

Hey There!!!..Guess what I did today??...I created a banner for my place of the generic typed in name. Havin' a ball with MD 23 Things. Thanks sooo much for the experience. This was the technology related activity that held my interst this week.

Tuesday, June 26, 2007

My Rollyo Search Tool - Week 5: #12

Rollyo was cool beans!! The most difficult part was compliling the list of websites to check. Then to be able to narrow down the other search topics to what I wanted on my page was very helpful. I really enjoyed this.

Library Thing - Week 5: #11

Library Thing was a very useful tool. I was able to search for a few of my favorite books without going through the hassle of using a website that didn't have everything I needed within. Go library Thing....over and out!!

Bloglines... - Week 4: #8