Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Week 9: # 21 - Locating Podcasts

Podcasting. Now there is an interesting term. I think I first heard the word podcasting about a year ago when I first began to take interest in the Apple iPod. I never actually got an ipod, so thus, my desire to know more about the podcasting element quickly came to naught. This weekend I looked into the different ways to locate podcasts of my interest; those interest including many things outside of library things...but nonetheless...they still involved reading and learning which is a plus. I guess the site that I traveled the most during my "podcastic" journey was through the Yahoo site. I basically typed in a word of interest and flying up came all of these episodes of "podulistic" delicacies....Wow, that was a stretch. So as with all of my findings so far with the MD 23 Things activity, I will be pursuing more information and plenty of "at-home" practice with uploading my own podcasts...because I have plenty to say. Nuff said.

1 comment:

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